The INKEY List Moisture Boost

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The INKEY List Moisture Boost
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The INKEY List Moisture Boost
86.00 AED
The INKEY List Moisture Boost + The INKEY List The Hydration Edit

إجمالي السعر: 212.00 AED

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The INKEY List Moisture Boost
هذا العنصر
The INKEY List Moisture Boost
86.00 AED
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The INKEY List Moisture Boost

AED 86.0

86.00 AED

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image 1, 1 = instant wake up call for tired eyes with caffeine eye cream. 2 = lightweight drench of hydration with omega water cream. image 2, caffeine eye cream - improves under eye puffiness, hydrating and cooling, smooth base for makeup. image 3, omega water cream - reinforces skin barrier, helps balance oil levels, lightweight and silky texture. image 3, before, after and under makeup all unretouched. 86% agree it helped reduce makeup creasing under eyes. 4 week independent clinical study of 22 people under dermatological and opthalmological control. image 4, before and after unretouched, using omega water cream. 100% said skin feels deeply hydrated. 4 week independent clinical study of 22 people.


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متوسط وقت الاتصال ٢٥ ثانية

العناصر التي غالبًا ما يتم شراؤها معًا

The INKEY List Moisture Boost
هذا العنصر
The INKEY List Moisture Boost
86.00 AED
The INKEY List Moisture Boost + The INKEY List The Hydration Edit

إجمالي السعر: 212.00 AED

أضفهما إلى السلّة
The INKEY List Moisture Boost
هذا العنصر
The INKEY List Moisture Boost
86.00 AED
أضفهما إلى السلّة

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اكتب رأيًا تقييميًا لتغتنم فرصة للفوز بقسيمة بقيمة 100 جنيه إسترليني.

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