Shiseido Expert Sun Protector Face and Body Lotion SPF50+ 50ml

Shiseido Expert Sun Protector Face and Body Lotion SPF50+ 50ml

AED 69.0

سعر التجزئة الموصى به: 86.00 AED

69.00 AED

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SHISEIDO Expert Sun Protector. Very resistant protection with SynchroSheildRepairtm. Safflower Extract for beautified & plumped skin. Algae Complex for hydrated & smoothed skin. 90% PLANT-DERIVED PLASTIC BOTTLE WITHOUT CAP. new synchro shield repair. wetforce - strengthens the protection veil in contact with water. heat force - boosts the protection veil in hot weather. new auto repair - the protection veil repairs itself in case of friction


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