Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food Coconut Oil 3-in-1 Frizzy Hair Mask Treatment 390ml

Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food Coconut Oil 3-in-1 Frizzy Hair Mask Treatment 390ml

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AED 21.0

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Image 1, before and after. up to 48 hour anti frizz for frizzy dry hair. results achieved with full hair food routine and styling. individual results may vary. instrumental test, coconut shampoo and conditioner vs classic shampoo. image 2, soothing coconut hair food. multi use mask for frizzy dry hair. up to 48 hour anti-frizz. reformulates with vitamins c, e and f. 97% natural origin ingredients. instrumental test coconut shampoo and conditioner vs classic shampoo C and F derivates. image 3, no silicone for a natural feel. image 4, multi use mask 3 in 1 uses. 1 = instant treatment, apply on wet hair and rinse off. 2 = intense treatment, leave in for 3 mins on wet hair and rinse out thoroughly. 3 = leave in, on wet or dry hair, apply a small amount on lengths and tips. image 5, give your hair the nourishment it needs by garnier. image 6, hair food fact based hair care. nourishing formula facts. 3% nourishing complex = deeply smooths. omega 3,6 and 9 = replenishes moisture. 4% fatty acids = strengthens hair fiber. image 7, cruelty free and vegan formula. no animal derived ingredients


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