Clinique Limited-Edition Pop Lip and Cheek Oil in Black Honey 7ml

Clinique Limited-Edition Pop Lip and Cheek Oil in Black Honey 7ml

  • خالي من المعطرات
AED 106.0

106.00 AED

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32% off & Declining! Use Code: BEQUICK
32% off & Declining! Use Code: BEQUICK
32% Off & Declining*! Use Code BEQUICK. *Code declines 1% every two hours starting at 35% off at 8am GST on 31sth May  finishing at 8am GST on 1st June. Discount applied to RRP.

Image 1, get the black honey look. maranda wears = clinique pop lip and cheek oil on lips and cheeks. high impact mascara on lashes. image 2, get the black honey look. xin wears = almost lipstick layered with clinique pop lip and cheek oil on lips and cheeks. clinique pop lip and cheek oil on lips and cheeks. high impact mascara on lashes. image 3, new from the black honey collection. image 4, nourish and add sheer tint


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